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Our Organisation

Organisational Structure

AfriCOG is headed by an Executive Director accountable to a five-member Board of Directors. The secretariat consists of staff organised functionally across two main function areas. The first area is programmes. This branch consists of staff dedicated to developing, implementing and monitoring AfriCOG’s programme activities built around the core functions of: Research; Advocacy and Partnerships; and Dissemination and Linkages[1].

The second branch consists of staff dedicated to institutional management and is built around Administration, Finance and Information Communication Technology (ICT)[2]. However, these two teams work in synergy and interface to implement AfriCOG’s mission efficiently and effectively.

The Board of Directors is responsible for governance and providing strategic direction to AfriCOG. The Management is responsible for running the secretariat and is accountable to the Board through the Executive Director. This relationship is captured by the bold line linking the Board and the Management.

In terms of programme management, the Research, Advocacy and Partnerships, Dissemination and Linkages and ICT teams report to the Research Manager, while the Finance and Administration Team report to the Finance and Administration Manager both of who report to the Executive Director. All teams are jointly responsible to the management for the delivery of AfriCOG’s programmes. The thin lines linking various functions indicate a unitary relationship of all teams and not reporting lines.


Certificate of Incorporation


AfriCOG’s Approach

AfriCOG’s approach to its work is captured in the diagram below. At the base is the institution consisting of physical, human, financial and technological capacities. This provides the foundation and springboard for what AfriCOG does. The second tier labelled “Research” captures AfriCOG’s core business. Research informs and strengthens policy partnerships. Policy partnerships built around AfriCOG’s research themes and knowledge products are central to the approach of rebuilding an effective anti-corruption and good governance coalition.  The partnerships may be permanent ones based on enduring, structural thematic issues or temporary ones built around transient issues. Research information is packaged into quality publications by the Dissemination and Linkages team for dissemination through a multi-media strategy.

[1]This function also includes public relations. It relies heavily on the ICT function.

[2]This function services both programme and institutional work.