The Africa Centre for Open Governance (AfriCOG) is an independent, non-profit organisation. We provide cutting edge research and monitoring on governance and public ethics issues in both the public and private sectors. We aim to address the structural causes of the crisis of governance in East Africa.

The overall objectives of our activities are to;
- Promote the implementation of the Constitution of Kenya 2010;
- Strengthen anti-corruption and good governance in Kenya with objective, high-quality research and advocacy;
- Hold the government accountable by documenting cases of corruption;
- Build Kenya’s capacity to be permanently vigilant and monitor progress on governance issues in the public
and private sectors in Kenya.
We also work with other organisations at regional and international levels to promote collective efforts towards anti-corruption, accountability, transparency and openness in governance. Our reports, policy briefs and overall work add value to anti-corruption and governance reform processes in Kenya and the region, by stimulating policy discussion and supporting evidence-based advocacy and the mobilisation work of our partners.
A Kenya and East African region in which citizens and civic organisations are vigilant over public life and actively watch over politics and the economy.
To build and entrench integrity and an anti-corruption culture in public life through informed and determined action in the public and private sectors in Kenya and the region.
Professionalism, integrity, independence, people-centered, courageous, and proactive.
Organisational Structure
AfriCOG is headed by an Executive Director accountable to a six-member Board of Directors. The secretariat consists of staff organised functionally across two main function areas. The first area is programmes. This branch consists of staff dedicated to developing, implementing and monitoring AfriCOG’s programme activities built around the core functions of; Research, Advocacy and Partnerships, and Dissemination and Linkages.
The second branch consists of staff dedicated to institutional management and is built around Administration, Finance and Information Communication Technology (ICT). However, these two teams work in synergy and interface to implement AfriCOG’s mission efficiently and effectively.
The Board of Directors is responsible for governance and providing strategic direction to AfriCOG. The Management is responsible for running the secretariat and is accountable to the Board through the Executive Director.
Certificate of Incorporation
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