The dark business of Election 2017
BY KEN OPALA Elections, just like wars, are huge business. Unscrupulous individuals seize the confusion, disruptions and desperation during political determinations to make quick money.

Commission yielded to hi-tech carpetbaggers
Two simultaneous happenings on the elections day are telling.First, in the deep of the night of August 8, hours after polling, IEBC started beaming “live”

Impunity reigned at IEBC in tenders scam whose ‘theft was beyond the imaginable’
The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission went flat out to award contracts to certain firms, against all legal and regulatory challenges, to the loss of

2017 poll: Tension between Chebukati and Chiloba made matters worse
The Chebukati-Chiloba relationship was always mechanical. It exhibited a clear lack of trust among them to an extent even mundane internal issues were detailed in

IEBC: Anatomy of a cash cow with serial abortions and indiscretions
The 2017 election was designed more as a cash cow than a process to midwife the next crop of leaders. The Independent Electoral and Boundaries

Anantomy of Kenya’s oldest financial scams – By Ken Opala
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